Mar 07, 2003 21:06
Ok, so I know I have been incredibly lazy in posting on here and as a result I think that most people have forgotten that I exist, either because I do not post or because nobody really cares to begin with. Either way, I am posting now with some new news that you all may be interested to know.
So, most of you know by now that Rachel and I broke up about a month ago. It was a good relationship and neither of us have any regrets, but we realized that it was not going to last forever and that we were better as friends and so friends it shall be.
The new news (Jamie already knows this as I told her earlier this evening) is that I am currently dating a girl named Kristen. Kristen is a student at Western and is a part of my elderly team. She is blond, about 5 feet 4 inches tall, with a fun and spunky personality. It is hard to explain how it all happend, but we just kind of started hanging out and realized that we had a lot in common and decided to try dating. I know some of you may think this is too soon after Rachel and I broke up and maybe you are right, but we waited for over a month and the other day we decided it was long enough. The feelings are there and trying to be friends was not working very well because it always seemed to turn into what amounted to dating anyway. She should be around in a couple weeks during spring break in the Kirkland area so you can all meet her.
That is about the only real news from here. I finished all my GUR's now at Western, and with the exception of three classes, I have finished my major as well. Now, I need to choose a minor, get into and pass the classes, and graduate. This should all happen in the next year if I am lucky. Maybe sooner. Life is good for now, if I can only get through one more week of this quarter.