Back to work tonight for the weekend. I've managed an AxM outline but I have doubts that I will write it as I've planned it. It's an alternate reality and always something I wanted to do... where Aoshi stumbles across Misao, who is working a job for Okina, and Hannya and co, are still alive. It involved her infiltrating Kanyruu's house, but I think I don't want to go that route. So, re-planning. I've been hunting all over for a notebook and can't find one.
And then, there's
Broken by
Mirune Keishiko, which is a great story. It occured to me today that this is an excellent premise for a story. Aoshi has not kept contact with the Aoiya and it has fallen into ruin. Okina has perhaps died, or it has been sold, and Misao, lowly girl serves the guests that now visit the lowly establishment. It would probably work better if, when Aoshi were inevitably to meet her that it wasn't at the Aoiya. That would be too great a give away. No, instead, he were to come across her at some other inn, without recognition. That would be interesting. It would also be an "M" rated story at a minimum and probably a angsty one.
Another idea for another day.