Deduction - 006 [Video]

Aug 16, 2011 16:30

[It just didn't sit right with him. Kazuha and Kudo. There were things about them that were off and it annoyed him. He could point out the obvious, but he wasn't sure why. Seifer also seemed a bit weird...even though he always was weird, but with his two closest friends appearing anything but normal, he couldn't help but speculate Seifer might be too. Not just Seifer, but possibly everyone.]

(Filtered to Ran 65%)

Hey Ran, I was just wonderin'. What's yer feelin's fer Kudo?

[Heiji may have been oblivious to Kazuha, but he was kind of all too aware of their little love charade. He figured this would be the best thing to ask her since he doubt it could be easily mimiced.]

(Filtered to Kaito 65%)

Kaito. I wanted ta pick up where we left off before I passed out.

[This one would be slightly harder to determine, but he could manage.]

But I fergot where we left off. Do ya remember?

(Filtered to Adam 65%)

I'mma go down ta th' subway. Don't try an follow me.

[He would probably go there anyway in case Adam really did go there. This was just an experiment after all. He was trying to see how people would react.]

(Filtered to China 65%)

I got somethin' ta tell ya. Are ya there?

[He wasn't so familiar with China, so he would be playing around for this one for a bit.]

(Filtered to Japan 65%)

I know this is a little sudden of me, but I think I finally believe yer a country.

[LMFAO he's lying through his teeth, but he's trying to sound sincere. He really needs to know if Japan is the same or not. This was the only way he could be able to tell. Since Japan should know he was strongly against the idea.]

(Filtered to Marco 65%)

Marco, if ya go near Seifer I'll kill ya.

[He totally wouldn't, but he sounds so serious about it. Heiji was determined to the bottom of this, he would go to just about any length.]

(Filtered to Kresnik 65%)

I was thinkin'- an' I know I was oppose ta th' party at first, but I actually kinda liked it. We should plan another one. An' yer sister...I still haven't spoken ta her, but I'm already in love with her. Ya don't mind if we start datin' do ya? I'm gonna ask her out. I just thought I would tell ya first.

(Filtered to Luke 65%)

Luke, I think Conan is dead.

[It's a good thing he's not a troll.]

(Filtered to Mokoto 65%)

Mokoto. What were th' seeds I gave ya last week?

[They were never verbalized, but she should have known, and he already did. So if she gets it wrong it can't be her.]

(Filtered to Gracia 65%)

Gracia, I need ta talk ta ya about somethin'. Ya got time? It's regardin' th' livin' arrangements. We don't think ya should live here anymore.

[End of Filters]


I need some help. Any volunteers? [Purposely vague.]

*mokoto, !event: doppleganger, perplexed, *gracia, *eridan, *karkat, *luke, what is this?, concerned for the crazy people, social experiment, *marco, *adam, *aoko, *kazuha, *china, detective at work, *kresnik, its a little personal now, needs to learn people, fast learner, figuring things out as he goes, *kaito, *vriska, *japan, *ran

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