[It was about time he starting contacting people again. Things were starting to pick up again, and more problems emerged. He wasn't quite sure what his next move should be, but maybe he'll figure that out after he's spoken to a couple people. There were a few he had too.
By this time the second group should be in Dissimulo.]
Filtered to Conan 55% )
Is there something that you need to discuss?
Where do you want to meet?
We don't know if the water here is safe ta consume, so we'll hafta figure that out. There's also a limited supply of food an' water since our trip here an' th' seed provided ta us will undoubtedly take awhile ta grow. It would be wise ta find a second source of food until we're able ta provide fer ourselves. When I was inspectin' th' village I noticed some common prey like rabbit an' deers we could prolly' hunt.
This town lacks a proper defense.
Most of the houses suitable fer livin' are on the same street, three even neighbor each other. It would make sense if we kept close in case somethin' were ta happen while we're here.
We can organize a group of people to gather food and hunt.
Defense-wise, there are a few members of the Watch here... it's possible to do shifts for the time being.
Right, the group should stick relatively close in case of emergency.
How many people per shift?
A couple at the very least. However, with fewer members here, we'll have to take longer shifts.
Okay. Just let me know if I can do anythin'.
I will.
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