Jan 10, 2006 00:52
yeah so its been a long time
nothing new same thing going on
but writing in this "live journal" has made me think its pretty pathetic how many people really have no lives and like to go out of there way to fucking reading personal shit, thats funny bc i just contradicted what i ssaid bc it is an onlline journal which gives the world the chance to read what i write
but honestly
i know for a fact i dont really read anybodies live journals, you know why because i dont give a fuck about whats going on with other peoples lives, that sounds really mean but why should i if im not your friend, why should i be concerned with the well-being of others? i shouldnt and im not// end of story
well its nice to get input in my journal is one thing but critacizing(sp) what i do and giving me shit is awhole other story, do you think by what you say is really going to make me change on how i feel about things, no. so then why do people have to say shit? one, they obviously need to grow up or two you dont have a life. i would say the problem is both of those possibilities.
case solved
so why do i bother and complain about why people are how they are, i dunno because i know 99% of the people will never change and im trying to change something that cannot be undone or changed or how ever you want to put it
is there any sain people in the world that i can trust nowadays?