Feb 18, 2010 16:40
The other day, as I feebly hung on to consciousness during my nap, I had a weird thought.
When it comes to reincarnation, we think in linear terms. For example, you die now, and a few minutes later you find a fetus and inhabit it. Or if you like your surroundings maybe you stay around for a couple of years before going on.
But what if you don't necessarily go forward in time? What if you can go in both directions? Yes, go BACK in time and live a life. "How's that possible?" you ask, "Wouldn't that screw up the space/time continuum?"
Here's my brilliant answer. Yes it would screw it up! All the time, continuously. Our past may be changing constantly. "Say what now?" you say incredulously, "How does that work?" Well, since it's in the past, we never know any better. "Huh?" When something in the past changes, that change becomes the history as we know it. In other words, it feels like it's been the "real" history all along. We'll never be able to compare one past to another because once the past has changed, it will seem to us like it's always been that way.
I love naps! :o)