(no subject)

Aug 26, 2009 12:53

You know how when a young kid walks into a huge candy store he drops his books or whatever from being in such wide-eyed awe.

Well, the brain pretty much does that with any kind of logic when it walks into a rumor. (It does it with love too, but that is a different post.)

I've kidded before about how Tim Horton's coffee must have nicotine in it because I can't stop drinking it. Of course I don't really believe that, but it's one of those things I say to make customers laugh. :o)

Last week, I used this line at a customer's to break the ice. "Oh yeah!" the two otherwise intelligent people in the front office said simutaneously. "That's why we don't drink their coffee anymore."

Huh... Really...

"Did they do a chemical test on the coffee itself and find it?" I asked innocently.

"Oh I don't know. But it IS true. Tim Horton's even put a warning on their website saying that they don't," said one, convinced that because the company denied it, it must be true.

Their brains obviously did more than just drop their logic when it came to this rumor. Both brains hurled it right over their backs into the dumpsters.

Mind you, I'm no better. I still believe dentists, dentistry, and teeth cleaning products makers are part of a huge conspiracy.
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