Nov 02, 2004 01:51
I'm very nervous about this election. I don't know. As with a lot of things, I don't know.
I really want Kerry to win. Ok so I'd rather have Nader, ideally, but Kerry it is.
It's the ultimate test between me and my dad. Who's right. Who's wrong. Who's the better one.
He wins, he gets to torture me with Sean Hannity and Sean Hannity's stupid books and radio show. And his George Bushness. Hannity's and my dad's Bushness. My dad is an electrician in a fucking UNION. I still don't really get why he thinks the way he does. He just wants to be rich, or something.
I win, I get to torture him with my pro-choiceness, among other things.
I am going home to vote. I have so much homework left to do but I'm going to vote instead. It's not a big deal, the homework I'm putting off. I did what I had to do, which was get started. Getting started is half the battle.
School is still really hard for me to get used to. It's the whole waking up late thing, I think. It's so hard to go to bed early, though. And who wants to do homework at 1 AM? My mind is thinking one way and my body another. I need to get them in sync, or just take earlier classes next semester.
How is everyone else dong? Tell me.