May 29, 2013 20:38
Not impressed with my dentist. Not only did he do a crappy good on the second last job (hitting the nerve in the second back molar), he had to remove and replace that filling. And to top it all off, he's gone through nearly $1700 of insurance benefits (which is the allotted amount per person/per calendar year). So now, I have a temporary filling and have to wait until January next year to fix it.
Granted, I've been paying the 10% co-pay which is required as part of my policy, but this "Oh we only can use 'the best of the best' materials when it comes to filings" has got to stop. These offices should know better and call the insurer for an estimate to see what is best for the patient and the plan.
Okay, I'll admit that I still need a lot of work done, but it shouldn't cost at par with the national debt. And to comment, "well you should've taken better care of your teeth as a kid..." don't even go there. when I was a kid, most of (if not all) of the money that came into the house was either drunk at a foreign port, souvenirs (also at a foreign port) or it was smoked up and spent at Bingo. To be honest, my mouth isn't that bad the most cavities I've ever had at one time was 10. Sure, that's ten too many, but they would developed just before finding out I was pregnant, or half way through the pregnancy. Then the fun part of finding a decent dentist. Recently the work that mostly needs to be done is having any old fillings replaced and unfortunately I've ended up having to have 3 root canals (the latest farce being that I had today) in my life.
The work that was "redone" today was originally done on May 1st, why he waited nearly 4 weeks to fix it - even when I called to say that there was something wrong - I suffer from migraines and the pain coming from my jaw didn't help. What was worrisome for the First Aid instructor (this past weekend) was I was holding my jaw, since pain in the lower jaw can be one (of many) signs of a heart attack only to realize that it was from the dental work.
Okay, I've finished venting for now. I have to start logging off the computer at the MFRC and head back to the Base to pick up the kidlet from Cadets.
dental work,
boneheaded dentist,