I didn't do it! Honest!

Nov 23, 2012 19:35

Of all the things I've been accused of doing in my life, I have never had a parking violation of any kind.....until now.

*gasps of horror* How could sweet little me get a violation?!

Anywhoo.... apparently I was in violation of parking on the side of the road November 2 at 01:51 hrs, prohibiting the street sweepers from cleaning off the leaves from the curb downtown. I was nowhere near the street where the violation took place since 1 it was after midnight and plus I was talking with prisci_c on skype. 2, I was checking my email, waiting to hear from Stickboy (ship's email had been acting wonky last deployment) and 3 telling rurokenlover that it was past her bedtime.

Okay, let's see. This week, I've been having a bit of trouble with my car battery, I've been looking for a decent priced replacement for it. My MVI and plates are both "due" in Dec (received a reminder about that earlier this week) I can stagger the MVI and the plates to opposite ends of December (so that's not too bad) and to top the rest of the week the parking violation reminder (that I didn't even know I had).

Anywhoo... About the City. when I called the HRM's call centre, they told me that my "Blue Mazda" was illegally parked when the street sweeper was trying to clean the curb. Funny thing, I have to laugh at the Rep on the phone (not at her, but what she said) I explained that I own a "Blue Mazda", I have never owned a Mazda, but a "Red Pontiac" (which I'll have for 2 years now) which also caused her have a good chuckle, too. So, the Rep put in a inquiry to why I would have received a ticket for a car I don't own. Now I have to wait a week before they can straighten out this mess.

All this and a migraine too. *yippee*

ticket, headache, car

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