Still alive and a lot sore

Jun 29, 2012 09:31

First off before I forget (sorry trying unsuccessfully to ignore the pain competition between my incision and neck muscles/tendons) Ich muss Dank myth_adventure für die Baby-Wiege gehen:), Als ich das Alarmsignal erhielt, dass Sie es sandten, fühlte ich mich ein wenig unten, und es munterte mich bestimmt *hugs* ein herzlicher Danke

Well, Little Miss is now 10 days old. On one hand it doesn't seem that she's been here only 10 days, but on the other it doesn't seem long enough. Either way, I'm glad she's here - now if my OBGYN had've let me go to the full 40th week Samantha Charlotte would've been an anniversary present instead of a late Father's Day surprise. But because of medical issues (GDM, oedema and my BP going up slightly), it's all as well she's here now.

The last few days have been very trying. I'm not trying to push myself too much (the family won't let me even if I wanted too), but since Sunday night I've been back to the hospital twice for dehydration and flu-like symptoms (yet I don't have the flu) though I have a killer migraine along with the cords and muscles on the left side of my neck/shoulder being a real pain in the ass.

Back to the baby... I and rurokenlover have taken a number of (via my smartphone) pics where I posted them in my facebook (for various relations to see) unfortunately I haven't had a chance to getting around to uploading them here - partly because being under the weather and partly because I have to get rurokenlover's camera's SD card to upload them onto my computer. Once I get my act together, I'll be posting pics and (now) give advance apologies for anyone who's a dial-up user, but I'll give a head's up when I've posted.

Well... I have a few things to do before Bilbo and Winteryrose gets home in less then an hour (today's the last day of school). So hopefully, when I do get back online and feel like posting a little more I should have the other pis on my computer.

sore, baby, kids, alive

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