Here's a hypothetical question: If you knew of an establishment where part of the building served food and the proprietor owned a (outdoor) pet cat and opened the door to allow the animal (which is ~NOT~ a service animal/dog) to freely roam through the building past customers who are eating would you call the Department of Health or Bylaw?
I was asked this exact same question earlier today. My response was, "unless the animal who's sole purpose is that of a "service animal/dog" and the establishment hasn't been openly listed as "animal friendly" like most cities in Europe, than no a cat should not be allowed to freely roam through an eating area."
The reason why I said "hypothetical" is not everybody will think or answer the same way.
EDIT 1: I forgot to mention.... With the cat (in question) that walks through the cafe is currently shedding it's fur. And whenever someone speaks to the owner, she get very belligerent. The chef tries his best to clean up but there's too much fur to clean up.
EDIT 2: I personally have nothing against cats. I love them as much as I love dogs, but it's hard to take
winteryrose (who is allergic to them) into the cafe for knowing that the cat has been in there. This cafe serves up healthy alternative snacks and full meals that's a far cry then going to McDonald's.