Paging Miss Charlotte....

Feb 22, 2012 20:16

Well yesterday was eventful. First had a meeting with the dietitian who turned out to be a fairly decent person (and didn't chew me out on my food list as most Food Nazi have a habit of doing). Then saw the Diabetic Nurse who was also surprisingly pleasant and reassured me that if I end up having to use insulin for my gestational diabetes it won't be to bad since procedures have improved the insulin is in a pen instead of a syringe and vial (thankfully).

Later that evening I headed up to the OB's for my scheduled prenatal visit (which also went well). Quite funny really, as she taking my BP I'm sitting very quiet staring at her when she started to giggle, "Would you like to know what you're having?" To which I replied, "besides a baby? Sure......" I think the woman was more giddy then I was - and I've been waiting to find out all week long. So she hands me the report and I'm having a little girl.

I have to wait about 3 weeks to meet the surgeon (who'll actually be preforming the c-section) to pick a date. Unfortunately, it'll be a another c-section due to my weight and that I'm a long-time member of the zipper club. So now the wait.

I did after I found out told her about the sonographer's attitude last week and the doc said she'll have a long talk with her supervisor, so I need not have to worry about her especially when I go in for one more ultrasound when my delivery date approaches.

On the up or other side, if the wee person had've been a boy I still had a name picked out (was going to be Friedrich Gilbert Roderich), but instead the name is Charlotte Elisabeth Priscilla Joy. Yes, I know this is a long name, but my other 3 children have long names too. Besides, if the rich and celebraties can name their children lots of names, so can I. Only difference is I don't have to worry about the paparazzi trying to invade my children's privacy.

Well, I'm going to have to log off soon (I'm at the Library - daughter is at Cadets and it's just across the street). I hope to post a little more when I get home.


baby, ultrasound, pregnancy, names

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