I went to clear off the walk and drive before the snows get any heavier since we're being hit with yet another
Nor'Easter and make a path for the mail lady (I hate receiving bills, but I like receiving mail). As per usual this winter I didn't expect the next door neighbour to help.
Buddy pulls out of the drive with his friend leaving the drive nearly empty except his wife's van and my car... anywhoo... he wasn't gone long and pulls in just as I'm about to pick up a shovelful - thinking this fuck is either blind or stupid. His friends says "hi" and walks away. I head towards the front of my car and well....... to my surprise
Holy batshit, Batman, paint my black and call me the Penguin. The fuckwit next door actually got off his ass help shovel the rest of the drive. Granted, I was almost finished the job. But it's better then (next to) nothing. Know this record of this jack-off this will probably be the only time he helps.
Well, I have the chills from being outside, so I'm going to make a cup of tea and try to warm up.