
Jan 27, 2011 01:45

I swear I'm forgetting something, but what it is I'm not quite sure? Oh well whatever it is/was will have to wait until the storm passes tomorrow (yes, there's another storm heading my way *facepalm*).

Anywhoo... Well... I can't sleep. So I'm gonna go watch Spartacus ... okay, okay more like watching Glaber than Spartacus. Maybe make a few more screen caps and then head off to bed.

I know I already thanked myth_adventure for Glaber er... Spartacus, though I feel as if I should thank her again. :D Definitely been able to keep my mind off of being sick the last days :D

*starts wondering* Emergency Elven and Roman Armour Removal Systems :D I hope myth_adventure won't notice the missing tarnished halos *looks shiftly with an innocent grin* Sorry, thinking out loud, which is good since my muses have decided to return to a short engagement.... now I just have to find my (new) flash drive - have to save ideas :D

Tara! *toddles off to give orders*

muses, bedtime, weather, glaber, random

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