meme thingy

May 31, 2009 22:51

1. How old are you? 35
2. Who do you live with? My husband (almost 15 yrs), our 3 children and my mother.
3. What do you do for a living? (If you're a student what do you study?) A Stay-at-home-parent - some people would say that is not something "you do for a living" or even a real job. But I'd love to see all these nay-sayers to actually take care of a household, children and bills and still come out daisy fresh.
4. Are you single? I don't think so, read the first person on question #2.
5. Do you like the boys or like the girls or maybe both? read #2
6. What would you prefer - a good book, or a good movie? Both. It's a bonus if the movie is based on the book.
7. What was your least favourite subject in school? Math and French ('cos the French teacher was a putz)
8. Do you remember what your first ever best friends name was? Annalise Zinck
9. First kiss? I guess old age is catching up with me because I can't remember that far back.
10. What one thing at the moment would make your life a whole lot easier? My life easier? *mawahahahahahahahahahahahaha* ahrem.... oh you're serious. To have my mother to stop friggin badgering me (amoug other things) and move out on her own.


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