When will certain (group of) people learn that
bombing doesn't make sense. *shakes head in disgust* It was 2 weeks ago that 56 people died and many injured because of the stupidity of others.
I'm usually an open-minded person, but with all these sudden attacks maybe (a few of) my neighbours are right. Gather all these moronic suicide bombers, hijacker, Holier-then-thou fundamentalist freaks asshats and toss them on some deserted island. Take away all means of transport and leave them to their own devices and leave the rest of the world alone.
Okay, I know I'm not the brightest crayon in the box, but what do these people think they can accomplish by blowing up a bus, train or building? Yes I realised I asked a similar if not same question, but actions like this really puzzle me beyond belief.
What's next? Blow somebody away because a person has blue eyes instead of brown? Annihilate people have red hair instead of black? Mame someone because they're righthanded instead of lefthanded? Or for being short instead of tall?
Yes, I do realise that my last sentence didn't make any sense, but then again neither does killing people just because they're different. Although I just realised that all those I mentioned were to happen I wouldn't be here, since I fit all *heh* Oh well, I guess it's a good thing I'm not on anybody's hit-list yet.