Oh boy have I got a treat for all of you
chrisp fans!!! Besides the fact that I'm starting to feel like his PR Agent,
Mr. P has been an especially busy, busy man in the last few months; what with his around-the-clock career, his business degree - which he is on his FINAL SEMESTER, and his trè successful photo business.
Because I haven't had much time to post every time this kid gets his credits, I've saved up for one wonderful post. Voila! Chris has not only become a photographer of choice at Forbes Online, he's also had his work appear on various online holiday/vacation publications; but the Crème de la Crème of all his recent effort is his first publishing within the pages of a book authored by one of the world's best how-to writers. A New York Times columnist who certainly has a great eye ...
David Pogue's - Digital Photography - The Missing Manual
New Forbes to boot!!!
Und auch, die Deutchen Internets Liebst Chrisp <3
Hancock Observatory Tour Site - Image #5 baby!
And then there's 'How Stuff Works' - I am not shocked to learn this about Singapore...
FIN... for now