Five subjects

Feb 22, 2009 19:34

I was tagged by glitterburn (cause I wanted to) to elaborate on the following:

Gundam Wing

In the end of the 1970s, NASA scientists came up with a design of space colonies that could be located at the Lagrange points of the Earth-Moon system. The colonization program (that was presented before Congress btw) was meant to solve energy crisis on Earth, and they had a highly ambitious plan to put up a first colony by 2000. Incidentally, the Soviets had an equally crazy plan to build Communism by 1980. Daring, daring people.

The creators of Gundam Wing took the colony design from NASA and created a world around it. Somehow they managed to keep the spirit of striving for impossible intact. The goal of both, protagonists and antagonists alike, was to reach not only peace on earth, but peace on earth and colonies. And by the combination of their efforts they got what they want. Perhaps in the world that had built the colonies, it was possible, but my world didn't live up to the ambition.

That's why I'm happy to escape there, in the world of Gundam Wing, where people have impossible ambitions and enough of willpower to make them come true. In my post-series sequel, my terrorists have an ambition that flies beyond all reason and my boys have to give up all they care about to stop them.

Of course, the boys are hot, which helps me through the tight places.


1) My vampires are the ugly night creatures that live around villages of Wallachia. Not glamorous at all and with little superpower. Just like they were before the popularization by Bram Stoker. Knowing Vlad Tepes (Ţepeş - pronounced Tsepesh) or Vlad the Impaler as a very real and even positively regarded persona from the school history book, combining the two together surely had an impact that I haven't realized until I watched BS's Dracula. That was a guy I had to write essays about to be graded. [Needless to say, after that, ms. Rise managed to hold my attention only briefly, and ms. Twilight (her name somehow slipped from my mind and I don't want to google) had no chances at all.]

2) I also love this:

image Click to view

Doctor Who

I'm yet to watch the Old Who, but I'm much more exited about the new seasons. Steven Moffat's episodes have been the best so far and I can't wait to see him driving. I'm not into the fandom, however. Probably because I want to read a well fleshed out episode style case, preferably historical, but to find that I'd need to search through tons and tons of D/R or D/M, or D/J. So I'm not venturing in.

Count D

Count D is a character I'd want to own. Someone who deals with the occult, has a down to earth occupation that utilizes the skill, and who doesn't sound like a pathetic anthroposoph. Plus, I'm drawn to the inevitable downfalls of the pet owners that are unable to follow the instructions. I find it very fitting. But at the same time I like that Count D keeps offering his services, giving people a chance to take the test, even knowing that the majority of them will fail.

Actually, I think it's time to me to get the manga in paper format.


Edo octopus etiquette. I've promised to write a note about it, but somehow never got to it. So I'll try to rectify it now. It's not overly complicated, but useful to know.

If a woman wants sex, she offers a man an octopus. Then, a man has got to eat his octopus, otherwise it would be insulting, and then proceed to the sex part. This sounds a bit unfair, what if he doesn't want her? To give a man way out, a woman should offer an octopus on a plate with chopsticks or on her chopsticks. If his answer is yes, he should eat it from her hands or chopsticks. If the answer is no, he uses his own chopsticks. And no offense for both parties involved.

If a man offers an octopus to a woman (or another man), then she's got to accept it. However, if she doesn't send back another one, that means no.

In our days, people say, things are much simpler.

The rules of the game go approximately like this: you hint you're interested in the comments, I'll give you five things/words that are relevant to both of us, and then you elaborate.
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