(no subject)

Apr 10, 2008 23:35

The holidays had been very boring, Dean Thomas feels, even with the vast brood of smaller Thomases that their West Ham terrace was always bursting at the seams with. Stuck in the centre of Muggle London with no news of the war the Wizarding World is attempting to fight, and not allowed owl post because of the vast press of Muggles all around (that and his mum would have had hysterics at having to clean up), the need to escape has been pressing on him all summer, only slightly lessened by regular trips to Diagon Alley.

Which is why he was so glad when his best friend turned up from Ireland. Okay, it's not escape, but Seamus has been able to hear almost everything the rest of the Wizarding population has, and thus offers something of an escape route.

Not that he's thinking about the war right now, messing around the shops in the centre of muggle London. Well, a guy has to have priorities, after all.

He grins at Seamus. "So, what d'you want for lunch?"