Jun 13, 2008 23:53
To: Xander
From: Jean-Lionel AKA Wesson
We have returned, the breach in the baracade was large enough to get the Gio through, of the dozen nobs only one has lived, unfortunitly Polar-Cat apperently got bit by a squarel just moments before we arived, my last .30-.30 round went through her and the nob, well at least the supplies will last longer.
Mrs Carmichael always empresses me, she decided to burn out the rest of the hiding spots around the zone, there was a gleem in her eye as she kackeld, "fire is good, fire cleanses"
The neigbors are dead, so i shot that damn dog whith my shot gun that wakes me up every satuday morning. Odd thing, at midnight everthing went silent. The last few z's i could see just droped.
Well on for a new world.
*Opends bottle of Scotch and lights a stogie*