Title: Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do
Author: wesseling
Rating: Green Cortina
Length/Word Count: 3326
Prompt: Drug use, a car chase, Gene actually makes Sam a hat.
Notes: No pairings. Many thanks to kaligrrrl for the beta!
Disclaimer: It belongs to Kudos and the BBC. I’m just playing with the characters.
Summary: Sam is off his head - what else is new?
Wednesday morning )
Comments 23
This is pure Sam. You feel sorry for him and want to slap him at the same time. Hope Gene can straighten him out. (so to speak)
At first I wanted to take your Star Wars prompt, but then I couldn't think of anything all of a sudden. So I panicked and took on the drug use prompt. I don't know if you noticed, I kinda wriggled my way outta the car chase. ;)
I hope you enjoyed reading it ( at least a little bit...).
Really nice job on this :)
Gene really does care about his team in general, but especially about Sam. I think Gene views him as his first true friend, his best friend, so to speak (or wearing my slash goggles, as his one true love).
Sam is just too self-absorbed too see it.
Thank you for reading and commenting.
Yet, as sweet as it is, the last line sent chills down my spine because I can just see Sam being utterly horrified by the reference. Well done!
Thank you!
Yeah, Sam has a problem with trusting people - but everytime he does (Joni and Layla), he's being disappointed... So who can blame him?
But he *should* know by now that he can trust Gene.
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