Jun 16, 2003 01:04
its um........1:05 right now, i really hope i dont have insomnia. i thought about what i did in the past couple of days just a minute ago, and i cant remember shit, i feel so weird right now. i'm bored. fuckin really bored. i think i'll stay up until 5:00 and just get dressed, i dont feel like goin to sleep, i fuckin cant anyway. fuck, if someone can please remind me what i did on friday and saturday, all i remember is the mall, and i saw kaylyn, but like, i dont remember which days was whcih and details, and ahh, it sucks.. i dont wanna go back to school tommorow, its gonna fuckin suck dick, i wanna skip.. i'm kinda tired and nobody wants to hear me fuckin ramble on about shit, so goodnite BYE