New book by Alexa Snow!

Jan 27, 2015 20:05

Excited to announce the release of Alexa Snow's new book by Loose Id press.

Jamie Kincade's world is turned upside down when Sebastian, a young man who doesn't speak and who shares the ability to see ghosts that Jamie's had since childhood, enters his life. Jamie finds Sebastian fascinating on multiple levels, and is determined to help him learn to speak again. But he can barely keep his thoughts - or hands - off Sebastian, who wants him and makes no attempt to hide it.

The age difference between them - Sebastian is almost 15 years Jamie's junior - is a problem for Jamie, but Jamie's reluctance isn't the only thing keeping them from focusing on the potential they might have as a couple. The collection of ghosts Jamie has been living with in relative harmony for more than a decade has no intention of leaving Sebastian alone now that he's here. Their desperate attempts to get Sebastian's attention are a distraction Jamie would be grateful for if they didn't upset Sebastian so much. Jamie is torn between wanting to send Sebastian away for his own good and wanting to drag him off to bed, and with Sebastian tempting him both deliberately and subconsciously, it can't be long before Jamie's self-control snaps...

You can learn more about Speak No Evil (published by Loose Id press) by clicking here.
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