(Not) BPAL review - Possets Perfumes' Halloween

Oct 10, 2014 14:05

Halloween (from Possets Perfumes)
Halloween is one of the first unabashed outdoor autumn fragrances ever. Incensy, spicy, and manages to capture the width of a dimming blue October sky.

In the bottle - Wood smoke, with a moderate amount of pumpkin underneath, and some faint hints of spice (cinnamon, maybe?)
Wet - Equal parts pumpkin and wood smoke, bits of cherry and nutmeg and cloves. Spicy, burning incense.
Dry - Buckets of smoke, tiny wisps of pumpkin. I would prefer it the other way around. Vague hints of licorice, which doesn't even make sense.
Later - Now it's basically just smoke, like I sat around while something less pleasant smelling than wood burned and the smoke from it seeped into my clothes. I guess there's a hint of something other than smoke, but darned if I can identify it. I know this description probably makes it sound bad, but it isn't, just not my favorite ever. It's okay, though.


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