BPAL review - Nocnitsa

Oct 27, 2009 15:47

Also known as Krisky, Plaksy and Gorska Makua, she is a nightmare spirit, the Night Hag of the Woods, who haunts Polish, Russian, Bulgarian and Slovak children during the darkest hours. The only protection against her torments is a circle drawn around a child’s cradle with a knife, or an axe or protective poppet hidden under the floorboards beneath where a child sleeps. Her scent is that of a lightless fir wood, nighttime air, wet forest mosses and upturned earth.

In the imp - Ack! Incredibly sharp and unpleasant, like super-cheap drug store perfume from the 70s. A little scary, to be perfectly honest.
Wet - Much more rounded and mellow now that it's not in the imp, thank goodness. It has a distinctly "green" scent, a bit like a wintertime-in-New-England shop that sells wreaths made from fresh cut pine boughs; all that's missing is some ornaments made with cinnamon sticks and the lingering sweetness of hot chocolate.
Dry - Now it's all FIR BALSAM PINE like a Christmas tree. It smells nice, but I'm not sure it's meant to be perfume.
Later - Eau de Christmas Tree went away completely. Now it's just warm and earthy and nice, without any particular scent in the forefront. It's funny how something that started out unpleasant-smelling to my nose became so relaxing, like aromatherapy, with nothing but the passage of time. I'd almost say it's a little bit masculine-smelling.


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