Jul 17, 2009 05:53
She hadn't been able to find her herbs for moondays, and it was almost strange to feel them coming on after so long without them in pard form...but here she was fully human. And herbless, and so the moondays came with more discomfort than she used to. It was fair easy to remain cloistered, there was water aplenty from the sink and a bread loaf of her own baking to settle her stomach...
Of course, the full moon would choose this sennight to appear in the strange skies. She was already exhausted from a day of pain...at least the pard body left her a bit more comfortable? She was testy though, and well trapped within the walls of her room.
And even when she managed to free herself, the lands beyond the door were swampy. Glittering pools of water and thrumming insects under the full moon...and no place for a pard to run out her mood.
This would be why a delicate clouded leopard was curled on a couch and grumbling to herself. Her tail was twitching back and forth, to and fro...always moving in lieu of chasing grass runners.
Khemrys was having a bad week.