(no subject)

Jun 05, 2010 00:01

Right deep breath, fractured my arm, cat had cancer, heart attack (not me) blah blah. That’s about the most I can member. I know there have been plenty of bad stuff happening but it’s pretty much done and out the way and everyone is recovering now which is really the main thing. Thus ends the moaning section of my entry.


Hmm so I glued my eye shut. Not on purpose although that would make for a much better story really. I have this awesome spray adhesive stuff and I was gluing a phone charm to Dave’s phone and it ricocheted off and I ended up with superglue in my eye. I felt like a complete fucking pillock. Totally running through to the bathroom clutching my face to try and wash this stuff out. All that time spent trying to be able to stroke my own eyeball as a child paid off hooray! I now have myself some safety glasses. Doesn’t stop me cutting up my hands though, I had a scraper and about took my thumb nail off.

NO MORE BLOOD THINNERS. Took the last one and now that is my heart stuff done. Like I should have no more problems with that, also means I can enjoy a heavenly choir moment and GO BACK ON MY FUCKING PUNCHING BAG. I am so bastarding happy. Seriously I have the butterflies just thinking about how awesome it’s going to be. Am sure will still bruise me up real nice but have never really been particularly adverse to that.

Was kinda awesome as well cause my sisters bf does MMA but wanted me to go along to the ju-jitsu with him. I think even now I could probably handle the fighting side but the warm up at the start would really kill me since my cardio is really poor.

But even if the improvement is slow, I can see it. Like am finding that I can handle going out for a walk every second day now. Instead of doing it once a week and feeling really tired and grumpy for two days afterwards, can now comfortable do one every second or third day. Just I guess am relearning to listen to my body over my impulses. The problem is that there is no middle ground like I go from being fine to being completely shattered and ill in a matter of meters so just trying to gage things better and do it sensibly. You can imagine how much I am not into that, hey limitations fuck you! But if I want to get better which I really do then it’s the way to do it.

Having the fractured arm really messed things up for a bit but it’s been six weeks so at least it’s fine now.  I actually probably should have taken the iron pills they gave me but they didn’t go with the other meds and made me sick as a whore so can start taking those now, get rid of the anaemia and then be a complete fucking tank again.


Was actually computer sharing for a bit or I’d have dropped a HAI GUISE still alive type entry awhile ago. Dave’s laptop died and we had no monies so we were just sharing for awhile. Had totally forgotten what it was like as well. What a spoiled little madam I am, meh I have to share OH NOES. Nah it wasn’t so bad I did lots of messing around with dolls then so that was pretty grand. Although I have a glue gun now thanks to my dad and I have like big blisters all over my leg from where I kept getting the shit on my leg. How much of a fucking dipshit am I? Seriously.


I’ve become relatively fixated with Clock Tower again. It was one of those games that totally scared me shitless when I was younger. I mean like properly looking over my shoulder type paranoid and feeling like I’d like me some of that (And also doing some collab lines) has made me start to play it again. Was great actually playing with Dave because he really appreciates the scares that are there cause I’ve seen them all before and he hasn’t. It’s such a great game like the controls are a little dodgy but think often that does kinda add to the swearing aloud type thing that comes with it.

But during this I have totally rediscovered how awesome Hellen Maxwell is. Like most of her evade points simply involve braining the fucker and I like that allot. Just the fact she shoots him as well, like fuck this shit BANG. I really liked how she was like she was one of the few who not only wanted to save herself but everyone else as well. Was of tantamount importance to her to see the rest of the gang safe and okay. I really admire that and she doesn’t just run away either. At least she tries to fight and that’s something which I always want to see that they don’t just take it.

Just if one thing could be done to make it perfect would be just to maybe set it ten years ahead in the future. I know some people find the idea of a ten year old serial killer funny but I assure you, midget or not if anything was coming towards me with scissors that big, I would kick it to death. Especially if it was a midget. But it’s a very small complaint and think they really upped the gore level from First Fear too.

Am thinking though am going to get me a copy of First Fear and just play through it in Japanese to try and get all the extra content. I mean obviously I’d really rather it was in a language I had the vaguest comprehension about but hey, it doesn’t. But I want to see the extra content so  am thinking it’s gonna be interesting trying to navigate that way. Although CTFF wasn’t that complicated and comparatively it’s actually quite an easy game so am figuring can just unlock everything and then get a hardon about what an awesome gamer I am.


Lost in Nightmares... FUCKING WAY.

And there was a million things. A total fucking million that I had to say but now am just all a wave of OMG.  OH HEM FUCKING GEE. I just got the most fucking amazing news. Fucking AMAZING. JULY IS THE MONTH OF WIN.
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