May 22, 2009 07:23
I have been ass backwards sick all week. I am finally going to work. I wrote a test yesterday with a fever. Hopefully i still pass.
Saw the man online, we talked for a long time, longer than either of us anticipated anyway. I told him if he was in town next week to come over for cake.
I think there may have been flirting, but I'm not sure, I hope I responded appropriately. The conversation ranged from doris lessing's prisons we choose, to trepanning, to minikilts (yes there is such a thing and it seems to be a cross between a loincloth and crotchless thong - i am far too fascinated).
I do not want to be answering the phones today, I sound like a female tom waits. I think the fever is now manageable, but still there, and i'm swollen really bad.
I put some roving I dyed up for sale and there are only three left. Five went within the first 24 hours. Wow. Got the ones which are being mailed out yesterday.
Also the issue I'm in comes out in June, I've been editing it on the test server when I can actually sit at the computer.
I'm reading the blank slate by steven pinker and trying to do stuff when I can, but this sick has taken over my head with a vengance (double dose of antibiotics ear drops and nasal spray). I guess this is for not getting sick last symester. I just wish I could have a debate with my body about not being sick while i'm so busy, also on the birthday weekend.
Had a meeting with my head yesterday. Apparently my grade is going to be reassessed. It's insane. I have to start drafting my letter of intent for the masters. It needs to be done by july for her and another prof to go over, then I'll submit it. My masters start will be winter symester then, I already know three of the classes that I'll be taking. We discussed my thesis and it all seems like a go.
So there's my life in a nutshell. I just wish I could sleep more.