About you
My name is: Emy
Gender: Female
Because we do respect the lj code here, are you over 13?: Yes, 21
How has your day been so far? (Just curious): Baah really boring, not bad though. Thanks for asking.
More about you
What are your hobbies/talents/interests?: Mainly science. Specifically biology. More specifically animal behavior. I love trying to figure out tough questions, think about new ways of addressing problems, and being really critical about the reasons why things happen. I've put my talent of being a huge cynic to use. Also I've always loved animals, and just want to figure out why the heck they do what they do. I also really like art. Both doing it and looking at it. It's relaxing and fulfilling whenever I can work up the energy to do it.
Give us 5 positive adjectives to describe yourself: honest, fair, independent, creative, analytical
Give us 5 negative adjectives to describe yourself: unsympathetic, passive, awkward, wimpy, nervous
And what do you think your best quality is?: I'm super honest. I tell things like they are, not to hurt anyone, but it just makes communication so much easier if you just say what you mean. I also think my honesty makes me judge of things, because I don't delude myself with what I wish happened. It is what it is.
And what is your worst?: Basically I'm really timid. Super shy, quiet, hardly ever speak up for myself. I neeeeed to be more assertive if I ever want to get anything accomplished in life. It's the things I'm working on most, because I know it's holding me back both academically and socially.
What do you think draws other people to you?: Well honestly I don't think people are drawn to me. I kind of tend to hide in a corner, not drawing attention to myself. But if people do end up getting to know me, I think they might like me for my sense of humor. I tend to see almost everything as being really funny, or just bizarre. I'd say I bond with most people over a shared sense of humor.
Your favorites
Books: J.D. Salinger is my favorite, especially Franny & Zooey. I've never identified with a character as much as Franny. Her hatred of the phoniness of society and yet feeling a total hypocrite. Yep that's me. I also love the totally miserable books by Dostoevsky. And Harry Potter DUH.
Movies: I have a super hard time picking movies. Wes Anderson of course. LotR. Dumb and Dumber, it's straight up FUNNY y'all.
Music/bands: Indie stuff mostly. Radiohead, Grizzly Bear, Beck, Andrew Bird, The Beatles, etc.
Animals: Seriously I love them all! Cheetahs are my absolute favorite. Also dogs. Really everything.
Quotes/sayings/lyrics: "I never use quotes, they are boring, I make up my own." - Emy circa 2010
Are you more...
Introverted or extroverted: Introverted. I'm totally inside my head all the time and get nervous and just drained from big social interactions.
Confident or shy: Shy. I'm constantly doubting myself, and worrying. It's hard for me to open up and relax.
Kind or selfish: Selfish. I always think about how things will affect me before thinking of anyone else. I'm not exactly mean though, and I try to be nice to people, but I do like myself the best.
Optimistic or pessimistic: Pessimistic. Why get your hopes up when you can be pleasantly surprised?
Mature or immature: Mature. I kind of laugh a lot, in all types of situation, which might be immature. But I'm a really good thinker, so I think I tend to make good decisions. Is that being mature?
A leader or a follower: Follower, usually. I'll lead if I'm desperate, but I'm more comfortable just being told what to do. I worry too much what people will think if I try to tell them what to do.
Impulsive or cautious: Uh both. I'm not a planner AT ALL. I'd much rather go with the flow, and usually do. But I'm so wimpy and scared of stuff, so I'm also cautious.
Disorganized or systematic: In the middle. I keep stuff just neat enough that I can do what I need with reasonable ease.
Wes Anderson
First Wes Anderson movie you saw? Did you like it then?: The Darjeeling Limited. Well actually Hotel Chevalier to be exact. I LOVED Hotel Chevalier. The sadness of it just killed me. Somehow I found it very striking and poignant. I didn't totally understand The Darjeeling Limited at first. I was actually expecting more comedy, rather than the bitter-sweetness. But I did like it well enough.
Favorite Anderson movie?: Hard to say, but I think Rushmore. I really really get Max. Sometimes in movies I can't get into it, because I just don't get the main character, or the main problem is just way out of my league. But Max is like simultaneously who I am and who I want to be. I just walked away with a really good feeling from this movie, like you can be ambitious while still having your head in the clouds.
Least favorite Anderson movie?: Well I haven't seen Fantastic Mr. Fox yet, but I think probably it's the Darjeeling Limited. It was missing a little something. Wasn't funny enough, wasn't sweet enough, wasn't sad enough. But visually it is my favorite movie.
Favorite character from an Anderson movie?: Probably Klaus from The Life Aquatic. He's so lovable! A little bumbling, a little insecure, and just plain FUNNY. I love so many different characters, but I think Klaus is on my mind the most.
If you could magically become one character out of an Anderson film for one day, who would you want to be?: Steve, so I can go on awesome aquatic adventures! The creatures in that movie are awesome, and I'd love to see them in real life. Being Steve would just be fun. Other characters could get a little depressing.
Would you prefer a same gender stamp or all that's listed?: all
Anything else you feel like adding while you're at it?: Yes, just that I'm really happy I found this community! And would you like to be affiliates with
beatle_stamp? I'm the mod there.
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