Hello again to all you fellow writers. I've managed to at last put my brain to work and have gotten a C2 on ffnet featuring my favorite Harry Potter fics.
Here's the address:
http://www.fanfiction.net/c2/17956/3/0/1/ I've also found out what Marauder I'd be... Moony! Yay! One of my favorites.
Which Harry Potter Marauder Are You? Don't really have much to say even at this time of the night. My summer job's been hectic, so that's been a bit time consuming on my end. School starts in Sebtember again, so that's soon. And my parent are moving back to Finland in October so I'll have to get a new place till then. For those who don't recall, I've been their house sitter for three years, in other words free rent and car. Will be intending to update sooner than last time, but everyone knows my intentions. They never last. *eg*