Nov 10, 2005 08:49
I'm feeling particularily uninspired as of late. I find it hard to get excited about any one thing. And when I do get excited about something it usually fades pretty quickly.
I guess I'm struggling right now. Everyone on the face of the planet says "Find something you love, and then figure a way out to do it for a living".
Well thanks Tony Robins. But it's not really that simple.
I don't love anything. Not enough to pursue it as a full time career.
I thought Multimedia was what I loved. Now I just feel burnt out on it. Guys like me are worthless these days as far as 'multimedia' is concerned. Now people won't hire you for your creativity. They'll hire you for your technical and programming skills though. And oh wait. I'm sorely lacking in those last two departments. I don't retain knowledge about programming, and I could give a SHIT about how stuff works. Just as long as it DOES work for me when I need it to.
No, it's become pretty clear to me that this stuff isn't really for me anymore. And now I've waisted years on it.
I guess I'm just going through that whole "20-something, where do I go from here?" stage. And I just wish I had my feet on more solid ground or had even an inkling as to what I have to offer this world.
This shit is frustrating....
I guess I'm just writing this to try and get it out of my system. Put thoughts into actual words.