Has anyone besides me noticed that I post to this mostly when I'm in a very bad mood?
Tauron 5's food is awful. Someone remind me never to eat here again.
Captain Picard's party was pretty good, as far as suprise parties hosted by omnipotent entities with seemingly limitless powers to alter reality go.
Geordi? Do you want me to pop in so we can .. ..
deal with the Data situation?
To: Geordi LaForge
CC: Beverly Crusher
Subject: The Data Situation
I finally got subspace text mail working. Just in time, too. Pardon my spelling - I have suffering some serious intestinal discomfort. (Yes, Mom, I got it looked at. Just heartburn and gas.)
I am really concerned about Data. I know that Geordi ran diagnostics, but he's still acting so very odd.
I wonder if his diagnostic program is corrupted, or damaged by whatever is causing this erratic behavoir. I also think he's having some memory issues. I know that some of what he seems to be questioning in his journal he knew when I was on the ship.
I've got some free time coming up, if you want, I can pop in help, as long as you're somewhere near a habitable planet.