Jun 26, 2008 03:29
i need to figure out how to post video from my phone on here (or at least to convert it to something that can be uploaded to youtube)... i shot a clip of my co-workers yesterday pulling a truck bed liner behind another truck while one of the guys surfed on the liner. ah... the things you'll do out of boredom while spending all day out at the drop zone. being out there has also caused me to get a nasty sunburn. this weather down here wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the freakin' heat and humidity. mostly the humidity. ugh.
caleb is still learning words. yesterday he brought me his cup for me to get him something to drink and actually said the word "more". so that's a first for him. we taught him the sign-language for more awhile back, so he's been able to do that for awhile now, but hearing him say the word was pretty neat. he also says "night night" when he goes to bed and "yummy" (or nummy) when he eats something he likes. :)
so ashley and i are going to name our next (a girl in case i haven't mentioned it) emma catherin (maybe with an "e" at the end... i'm not sure). we'll be calling her cait though. or... cate? i need to look into this name a little more. *laugh* we figured her middle name would work better than trying to say "emma mangin"... it's just a lot of "em" sounds all together. she's been pretty active in ash's belly ... which seems weird to say... but it's made ash a little more sick/sore than she was when she was pregnant with caleb.
bought weezer's new cd the other day. i quite enjoy it. i'm probably going to get sick of them playing "pork and beans" on the radio so much, but for now i like it. XD
stupid coworkers,
emma cait