Mar 11, 2008 04:56
hello LJ... i'm sorry i've neglected you. *pat pat*
work has been a pain in the ass. we're preparing for an inspection and each time we do an excersize here to prepare... i end up being a simulated "deployed" member augmenting security forces. what's scary? me with an m16... really. even weirder... i actually do a decent job as a cop. or so i'm told. don't think i'll be cross training career feilds any time soon.
artwise, i'm working on stuff for tfauctions/cougarstudios again. i'm only doing pin-ups of the characters i think. i've kinda let it be known that i don't have time with all that's going on around here to comic to panel art... that and i suck at it (aka... i'm too slow right now to do that). which brings me to the next part...
i'm working on tf mosiac piece featuring jazz and springer. :D josh van ryke wrote me a script featuring the two characters so i'm pretty happy about that. i'm taking my time on this so i don't turn out something that people won't notice. i'd really like to stand out on something like this for once. ^_^
ash and i plan on attending botcon... so long as my leave is approved. i think it will be. i haven't registered yet because i've been waiting to use my tax return to do so... however, i still don't have a w2 for doing a do it yourself move (DITY move). it was about $4k worth of income and was over-taxed so i NEED to file it. and you'd think the federal government would abide by it's own laws and send out their files by their own deadlines. yeah. not so much. i'm on the phone with the finance office every few days asking where my w2 is. i've put in the request to have it sent electronically and still i dont' have it. i'm going to call today to see what else i can do to expedite this.
on botcon again... i need to get my butt in gear on an art contest entry. of course, any time i have something big like that i need to do, something gets in the way. i've been "tasked" by my superiors to work on a mural for the ATOC office. for the most part, i hate the people that have requested that i do this (with the exception of my flight OIC). I've never been at a base where i disliked the middle management and lower airmen so much. i'll be applying for base of preference with my reenlistment paperwork to get us the hell out of here. other than that, little rock isn't too bad... or...well... the area around little rock. there is a bit of a high crime rate the closer you get to the city.