Today, the real seasonal holiday came and went without much note. Yeah, well.
Anyway, I've been ridiculously busy at work, which has been relatively exhausting - especially since everyone else is in some sort of hyper-crisis mode. Hello, it's just shoppers, for God's sake. Calm down. They'll be waited on or they'll eventually leave - nothing worth a coronary, okay?
When I haven't been working or sleeping, I'm afraid I've been spending way too much time with The Sims 2 and related web sites. I recently discovered
The Gay Sims Club, which is a real hoot. For a time there, I thought I might've been one of the few to focus almost exclusively on same-sex households and all-male neighborhoods. Heh - guess not. They also have some cool meshes and skins and stuff as well as a very active forum. But, yeah - I've been neglecting the last of the requested icons. They're in progress, I promise.
Anyway, I hope y'all enjoyed the holiday season now that it's passed. I trust those of you who will be celebrating one of those ersatz festivals will feel rightfully silly.
One person who will not be having much of a Christmas is Stanley "Tookie" Williams - though, at least, he's free of the Bush administration at last. Fran Liebowitz said something very pertinent yesterday. Noting that San Quentin, where Williams was executed a week ago, is now a non-smoking facility, she said something to the effect of "This is the problem with the Democratic Party: they've spent the past thirty years protecting people from smokers without doing a damned thing about state-sponsored homicide." Too true.
If Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger grants me clemency, I will accept it as an obligation to society to spend the rest of my life working to reverse the cycle of youth violence. It is my desire to help save society from producing more victims.Stanley "Tookie" Williams
Happy Solstice.