Trostenheim Training Centre: Joint Trainings before the Deployment. The ANA's part.

Sep 06, 2015 17:37

Trostenheim Training Centre (the UK) ground is becoming hot from intensive trainings. This time, the ANA representatives as a part of Afghanistan Crisis Response Initiative are getting combat experience. It's the third phase of trainings headed to provide the ISAF with skilled servicemen.

The Afghans have strong military traditions within the tribes. But if you are the firstresponder, the traditional combat skills are not sufficient to counter modern safety challenges.

Some knowledge of organisation, cooperation, tactics, personal skills were shared by US Army's instructors.

The typical combat situation - searching operations. The hiding places, insurgents' shelters, traps... In that case the individual skills are critical.

If the traces are sorted propely then the search is becoming sucessful.


Today the ANA is on duty in Afghanistan more often than before Operation Enduring Freedom begun. It's very important to stand together with the partners having common skills.

Both British and US servicemen are to work together with the ANA more close in joint operations against the insurgens to provide the freedom and democratic choiсe of Afghanistan.
It's the task for today. Tomorrow, the ANA should provide the democratic choice's safety itself.

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