Небольшой любительский проект COLD WAR EXHIBITION продолжает развиваться, благодаря усилиям своего создателя исследователя-униформиста Антона Чулкова. На этот раз предлагается рассмотреть часть экипировки, используемой для операций в джунглях военнослужащими армий США и Великобритании 80-х г.г. ХХ века.
"...Англо-американцы проводят совместные учения, приближенные к боевым, практически по всему миру. "Холодная война" дышит холодом и в латиноамериканских странах, где саттелиты США и Великобритании предоставляют территории и ресурсы для тренировок головорезов и поджигателей войны своих покровителей, стоящих на страже интересов мировых финансовых воротил с Уолл-Стрит и Туманного Альбиона..."
"Зарубежное Военное Обозрение", 198... год.
Despite of great experience, earned by heavy casualties and great tactical victories in the Vietnam jungles, the American servicemen are ready to study and gain new knowledge from their British Allies. Now, the British share the experince of jungle warfare and the Latin America is the point of impact.
The Pentagon pays much attention to this area of interest: the rising influence of communism ideas goes along with the rise of drug-dealing structures (e.g. the Cartel). That's clears the direct and present danger to the United States of America. And the armed first response is the answer.
This answer should be designed by the synerge of new built individual load bearing equpment, modernized small arms, coomunication, survival gear.
Almost alike in the basic approach in ground matters, the Allies have much in common in views on the jungle warfare tactics.
And the US troops are working hard under the British Instructors management.
The jungle path says much about the situation - says the Instructor (the British Army)
Some tactics and equipment from the 60's are still actual in the 8o's
"Your sucsess in mission is the system of load bearing equipment, appropriate small arms and motivation. And that's the point" - the British Instructor points at M16A1
Wet air, dump forest, insects and indigenous guerilla fighters of drug cartels are to be almost equal factors to fight with.
Orientation is the most difficult and the most important task for the troops
The British Instructor shows accurate fire on the targets
The Stars and Stripes. Some tradition for the free World fighters to underline the domination. Thus, our country flag spreads on the shoulders of our servicemen.
God loves the Infantry.