Mar 20, 2005 22:56
Oh palese, like I know a thing about basketball. So this weekend may not have been prom, but it definitely one to remember. Friday night I attended my first ever rave, and I'm not gonna lie--I loved it. Just b/c you can't dance doesn't mean you can't throw your cell phone in the air a couple times. Saturday...Tech--Last year I would've given anything to run there. I guess what goes around comes around though. Our relay team may have only managed 17th, but we were minus Amanda & I loved it. 2:39...I can finally die happy. Big thanks to Clara for bearing the ride up with coach to save us. Tagged along for girls night with brittany and learned what you can reeaaallly do with a sewing kit. Today...mailed in my peachtree stuff and met brice at cici's....BUT GUESS WHAT?! IT IS CLOSED FOREVER!! Whaaat a let-down. haha the new one was pretty awesome though. Hadley...thank you for listening, you better expect plenty of visits next year. Love always, Angela