Oct 27, 2010 00:36
So as to not get caught being super nerdy (or reading a/r pornfic) at work, I've fallen behind on fanfic. Apparently way behind and I totally have every intention of catching up. I always open fic in a new tab. right now I have 36 tabs open. Oh. My. God.
I've moved. Love the new place because of the lack of messy people. We apparently also now have a cat? I dunno. I visited my college on my day off and had the best time. AND the absolute greatest part was that I was there when costume and lighting storage flooded AND I GRADUATED SO I DON'T HAVE TO EVER TOUCH THESE LIGHTS AND CLOTHES THAT ARE COVERED IN SEWAGE!
Burrito Loco food was also awesome as always, along with the Caprica discussions and the gorgeous Abe. I need more of my college friends in my daily life. which is why I've decided that I am definitely going to work/see/mooch off of Clara during the Edinburgh Fringe. This means theater, comedy, and boys with accents. Also, alcohol.
Love it. Love it.