book of doom and hanging with the pack

Mar 23, 2009 12:39

10:54 AM 3/23/09 · Due to a lack of sleep and and an early rise Saturday, I had a lot of going to sleep and waking up over the course of 2 hours that day but I can't remember what I dreamed sp much as I just remember it was all weird. However the night before yielded an impressive nightmare and the night after did a really wonky dream.

Friday night:
There's a scenario I got...somewhere. Kind of like The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits but I'm pretty sure it wasn't either of those; possibly a show of that same type. Then again, it may've been just something I dreamed up before and was revisiting.


I was at home, not mine or any I've ever lived in before, and on the shelf was this book. A simple thing, visually unimpressive, but I still was nervous around it. Things in the book had a tendency to come true and we're not talking about happy things. I was going on about my evening and as I walked passed the shelf I saw the name of my beloved pet just suddenly slide across the cover. Not much in life brought me joy, dream scenario, but my pet was one of the things that did and I launched myself at the book fully intending to tear it up and end this horror...

...but it dodged.

Next thing I know it's somehow menacing me and then it starts launching pages at me. I can feel them tearing through my skin as I still struggle to get to it. Just as I'm about there I'm suddenly knocked back hard and a page comes at me and takes off my head.

I awoke near to screaming but it caught in my throat the moment I realized I wasn't asleep still.

Contrary to popular belief, just because you die in your dreams doesn't mean you die in real life. I've died a thousand times in a hundred different ways since I was a little kid. I'm either the healthiest zombie on record or ahead of the curve.

Saturday night:
Not sure where I was but it was a town of a great age and there was snow all about. I was sitting on the steps of what was either a great library or the city hall and surrounded by wolves. Nothing menacing to it, they ambled on around me without paying me much attention, excepting the few that were either crouched or leaning against me as the snoozed. It may've even been snowing initially but I don't recall.

It definitely was later.

Wasn't cold at all.

A tiger strides in and my wolves become defensive. There's no actual fight but the temp has increased somewhat. I'm now aware of other people nearby and they're afraid of the tiger. I get up to face it with the wolves, changing to full werewolf mode (but keeping my jeans on if a tad shredded) and we manage to drive it off.

Here's where I get a bit confused.

My Sister comes into play, begging me to change back but I refuse because the tiger is still a threat; did I mention it was a huge tiger? There's some goverment security official involved now too, shoring up defenses for the town while helping Sister try to make me see reason. I still remain changed, perched on a rooftop to better oversee the town's protection with my wolves.

Regrettably I woke up too soon after this so I'm not sure where it was going. Have a vague sense it was either revealed the tiger wasn't normal or that it had bred with something in the woods and birthed a were·demon that was both tiger and wolf.

Oh well.

werewolves, tigers, nightmares

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