Title: Let the Water Hit
fuckyeahFandom: Teen Wolf
Characters/Pairings: Stiles/Derek
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 11.535
Warnings: Adderall Abuse, *Massive Spoiler (please don't read if you don't have to) - (Temporary) Major Character Death*
Summary: He closed his eyes and nearly gave in, gave up, opened his mouth and let the water hit when he realized he would die if he did that - there was no question of if anymore.
Author's Notes: I wrote like a gajillion notes in my master post but in case you don't feel like reading them or reading the fic - please go and leave
fuckyeah love for her beautiful, beautiful artwork. It will blow your goddamn mind.
Link to fic master post:
hereLink to art master post: