PC fixage.

Dec 08, 2006 12:32

Tonight I shall finally pluck up the courage (I hope) to attempt to fix my PCs current problem.
When I upgraded to SP2 (my 1st mistake) Zone Alarm declared war on it, and ever since neither have worked. I can't uninstall ZA cos it thinks it's still running, and ZA keeps taking my internet access off me "for my own protection".
I have been lead to believe that the solution is to pull the hard drive, attach it to my other (V. old) PC, and then manually remove ZA from the program files directory. Then to return the hard drive to it's rightful place, boot my PC and let windows sort itself out.
Does anyone have any further knowledge/hints/help/warnings etc.. they wish to impart before I try the old "do it and see if it explodes" technique.
One day, someone will build a computer that works perfectly, and on that day machines will take over the world.
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