Im in a FOUL mood

Jan 25, 2010 10:38

Extra foul. This weekend was tough, i aint gunna lie. I had a GREAT time Saturday in the later part of the day, but for the most part Im pretty pissed at life.

So yes, Friday i was tired. An overnight babysitting does that to you. I walk in the door around 7:30 and find a meal in the fridge and my mom comes in and imediatly starts on the fact that my sister is still out of vehicles and mom PROMISED her she could use my car. I told her Im prolly not buyng the CRV so im gunna have to give it back and its a fucking explosion. Well, now moms a liar and she;s just gunna have to be without a truck, and blah blah blah, I cry and she storms out. Im so not hungry anymore.

Oh ya, and the trucks check engin light is on and it has to be smoged by friday. cant smog the damn thing with the light on. and Did wont get off his fucking ass.

So i leave, with my car, and go sit at the mall and download a wifi battle, so i can murder some annoying animals in virtual reality. Im 1/2 way through battle 1 and i get a call, Tess is coming by, needs car, oh never mind thats right, mom has to give up her truck blah blah blah. I cry, scream at the phone and drive home. i throw said phone next time it rings 4 minutes later. I look at it when i get home, 13 MESSAGES. OMG, i can WALK to the mall.

I throw all the keys to every vehicle on the counter and go to my room and cry till i fall asleep.

Saturday im supposed to host a mary kay thing and partilight thing. i wake up with the worst sinus/stress headache EVER int he HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE. No, Im not exsagerating. I cry some more, shower and go to the farmers market for food and target for chips for party. When i return home i clean, and yelled at for vacuming before i finish my lunch (she comes in whining about her shoulder, dragging vacume, dumps it in front of me and runs out. thats a sign to FUCKING VACUME NOW, right?) I cry more and toss the rest of breakfast/lunch in garbage because Im no longer hungry.

Bon calls, They have hula, no their coming, no they have hula, no their coming. I chug Psuedaphed like it going out of style, followed by claritin knock off, followed by ibuprophen, followed by a tangerine. yum. Bon and kate arrive. Flea comes! No one else shows. OUT OF 30 PEOPLE INIVTED. They dont come. i do the class anyway, fuck it, and B and K actually like the product (yay!) and want some! YAY!

We decide i need to go to the bar, as do they, so we get cute. B and K cant cash their finacial aide because of SHITHEADS who fake checks, bon crys on the phone and flea and i head out to bar. I forget i need gas and to feed those fuzzy goat things i own. its not to late for dance lessons :( but B and K are ready. So i go back and get them YAY!

Bar was good. I forced two guys to dance with me, saw Ishah and Alison, looked at lots of Wrangler butt (always good) and didnt spend to much. So home and to bed.

Get up to early Sunday and more car issues. more head pain. more pills to make me happier. I have no IDEA how long Tess will have my car, have to give the CRV back eventually so Kat can sell it, Dads lame, Moms playing Martyr, I wanna go back to wifi mall and eat crap. because Im not fat enough right? (by the way, the reason i have to go to the MALL FOR WIFI is FATHER FUCKING DEAREST wouldnt look at the damn wifi for 6 FUCKING WEEKS.) So i go and mom wants to go. so an hour later she's ready (as usual) and im starving and we go and eat subway. yum. we wonder around and i need to find a black jacket for MK work, and none in the mall that are 1. Cheap, 2. cheap or 3. Look good. so I wanna go to ross, mom wants to go to, but I HAVE to take her home first to check her email. -_- back at home, another fight with the old man in the house, call from Sister who doesnt even say THANKS for me changing my life around for her to use my CAR, instead i get SHITTY remarks about gas. ya, fuck you to. Im workin my ASS off to keep everyone in a FUCKING vehicle, you can be FUCKING GRATEFUL. Another hour later we go to Ross, I find a perfect jacket and can afford it (woot!) and some jeans, since I out holes in 2 pair in 2 days. also find a silk screen kit for $11! lets see if it works!! so ya, that was good. the sad thing is that I realize i need to loose like 30 lbs. T_T Im so fat. and some brands of pants will make you want to kill yourself. I tried on 5 pairs of size 10 jeans, 1 pair i couldnt get my calf in, and 3 pairs i couldnt zip and the pair i bought were alittle loose. HOW IS THAT FAIR? I washed them hot so they will fit nice, but still. Get home, more car drama from the old man, i ride his ass about wifi for a while untill i say fuck it and call Paula to see if Greggipoo can do it. This hurt the old mans pride and guess what? I have WIFI! WIN.

At some point in those days there was a fight about lumpia fillings and wrappers, frying oil and sauce. I pointed and laughed and got shamed into my room. there also were fights about the truck that was on fire.

So lets fast forward to this AM. 1 AM to be specific. The neighbor across from me Randy moved out, and his house is mostly empty.  but his aram works. Oh BOY does his alarm work. The FUCKER who tried to break in is DAMN LUCKY he ran off before I GOT OUTSIDE. At first i was afraid it was the CRV alarm, and i figured thats what i needed, to replace a window on the damn thing for Kat. So i did the clicky out the door to shut it up, and realized it was way to loud for a car alarm. I put on some pants and a jacket and wondered outside with the biggest 1970s flashlight we own ready to cave someones head in. Lucky for them Robert was up first with his gun. Sheriff was called, they said we werent allowed to go inside untill they got there. So and HOUR LATER they arrive, alarm blazing the whole time, my ear drums crying. FUCKING SHERIFF. they dont give a flyinf fuck about anyone but their bottom line. go to hell sheriffs DEPT. -_- they seived Randys Air riffle that was in a closet, guess he forgot he had it, and claim they ouldnt get ahold of him so he would have to go get it from their office. More $$ int heir fucking pockets, right? So ya, no fingerprints taken, no search, just seize the victums crap and leave. I just about threw the 10 lbs flashlight into their windsheild at this point.

So ya, about 3 am i finally fell asleep and 6 am the alarm when off. scared the poor hermit crab, and of course they were playing one of those terrible songs about kids dying. I turned off the radio, and got ready.

And when i get to work? the kids wont finish their pancakes because i wont give them more syrup. i seize pancakes and garret gives me the shitty little "I'll eat it tomarrow with syrup." I snap and chuck all pancakes, even the left overs into the garbage disposal. "Nope, no pancakes this week., you wont eat them. We'll have wheat toast." "With jelly?" "Nope. You dont eat it."

Im so terrible, but fuck im on a back mood.

HOLY cow, how many times did i just drop the f-bomb? prolly the most in my LIFE.

Sorry, angry girl today.

PS, appearently a rim job is the new blow job. This is why i dont listen to the radio. i quickly switched back to my dear podcasts.

f-bomb, shopping, moody, raped by cops, jeans, ross, rant, rants, angry, ranting, sheriff, clothes

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