o.0 WOW

Nov 14, 2009 09:12

Appearently my readership is large. much larger then I had anticipates. Of course no one comments and few people are my watching me, which makes me wonder how many people are actually reading or just read when angry people email it out... but I am reaching people appearently.

So to those pissed about the weightloss remarks- That wasnt aimed at you, the PEOPLE responsable for that angry post dont know i have a LJ and prolly dont even know what it is

To those upset about Halloween- Holy crap you read this thing? And really? You didnt know i was pissed about the lack of communication? I didnt think i was subtle, but I got over it like an hour or two after i wrote that and realized i would get help. and i got help. and the post after is about how i had FUN.

REALLY PEOPLE? no one knows me well enough to know i rant and then get it out of my system? I NEVER write anything on this damn blog i havnt ALREADY bitched to someone about. or am ABOUT to bitch to someone about.

So go, be butt hurt, IM NOT OUT TO GET ANYONE OR HURT ANYONE. But of course I am an evil Queen out to ruin everyones lives, right? Are we all that self obsorbed? I sure am.

So Im sorry people were hurt, I never ment to hurt anyone. If you have a problem with me, please tell me dont go writing passive agressive blogs and telling all of my friends how im a bitch. THIS ISNT HIGH SCHOOL. Im so done with this shit and this will hopefully be the last time I address this issue.

If I have a problem with you I tell you. If Im annoyed and frustrated I may not untill i figure out if its ME or YOU, and that may require rants. its not ment to be talking about YOU behind YOUR back, its to figure out how much is MY fault. And I FLY OFF THE DAMN HANDLE. We know this. check your Ego's, seriosly

Geezes, I thought we were all better friends then this, but appearently I was mistaken

guilt, self centered, passive aggression, egotistical, denial, selfish

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