Nov 01, 2009 16:30

I got a BUNCH of free post cards from the state fair back in august and guess what? I FOUND them!! XD So yes, I will be mailing them out to varios people whos addees i have (coughIshahandTESSIEcoughcough)

Did you all have a good halloween? I sure did. Had a little pizza, a little beer, watched a marathon of Ghost Hunters on a TINY little Tv... Yes, the big tv int he living room did really bite the dust, so we're using the kitchen tv... which is, well, like 6x6. So if you have a spare tv in your garage feel free to call up your good friend Izzy.

Dad's throwing a fit over fries, theres on 2 potatoes and so i decided to skip fries (better anyway) and he's all upset cause the potatoes arnt fresh. Wait, wha? Um.. I bought them at the farmers market a week ago, fresher then the store.. and beside, cant potatoes go like 6 months in a celler? really? fresh potatoes? Because moms favorite job is making fries right.... So ya... Im gunna eat dinner and head over to Cathy's, its nice and quiet... let the kitties out to play and just listen to my thoughts, maybe write some letters or write in my journal.

Brandi and Flea
A pretty candle holder with oreos
Im the ghost
Yep, Flea's a pirate Bons a hula girl and Kates a prom queen
My pumpkin

french fries, candles, pumpkin, halloween, jack o lantern

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