I found Halloween Jones Sodas!!

Oct 28, 2009 09:22

Four of them!! XD Dont think they did candy corn this year, but I'll have to check again... I got the four flavors i found and some Halloween oreos... gettin ready for the big night! So far I have no IDEA what Im doing... some people have said they wanna do stuff but nothing concrete yet. Im super bummed that I havnt gotten to do one haunted house and only got to go to one pumpkin patch and i was alone.. well, Carl was with me, but he doesnt count... Poor Carl...

I have been writing letters to prosective penpals... i never had one as a kid, when we did it in class mine was always the one who never wrote back. The idea's always intriged me, and I write off and on to friends out of town (when i have their addee's, Chris Im looking at YOU) So I figured I would give it a shot. So far its been a big bust. two now have flaked on me, but i have prospects for 3 more thanks to the penpals community on here. JOY!

Last night i worked late cause the boss was workin late, and tonight i work late, which is good for $$ but hard on my schedual. I had to feed for mom last night which is alright but it was DAMN cold and windy. no one was happy. then i get home from telling kids all day, "Dont do this, dont touch that, WHAT are you thinking?" and Kiki is on the table, knocking off things, clawing the couch and generally taunting me. I dont know why she's out to get me! I even sat and scratched her for like an hour then she claws me, jumps up and tries to knock the lamp down. then she went outside... Zeus got the picture and just layed near me purring, i think he plans this.

Mailing out some postcards today, but if i dont have your addee (Tess) you wont get one...

I have made an interesting observation. When i hang out with friends of mine who are thin, who then complain all the time how they need to loose weight and their sooooooo fat i tend to gain weight. why? I dunno... I know i feel like crap when they do this "Im so fat, I need to weigh 120" and i think, damn, im like 25 lbs heavier then you are and i just wanna go eat a tup of ice cream and flaming cheetos. the good news is these people are all ignoring me for the most part. they have more important things to do and to be honest, Im glad. They need something else to do, all of them (You know who you are, of course if your reading this then your not one of these people cause they dont have time to read this or they dont know it exsists!) People are strange...

Alright! So to go out on THAT emo note... Dora's on, I must go murder something now.. lol!


fat, party, trick or threat, ugly friend, halloween

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