Tired and energized?

Oct 20, 2009 09:42

Part of my brains asleep, as when i get home from work i dont wanna get to bed right away and stay up to late, but the other part is rearing to go! Just gatta keep my eyes open! lol. Wrote my penpals, havnt had a chance to check my mail to see if they wrote back yet or not... oh well!

Did i mention my nails are pink from the retreat? I know shock!! I'll put them back to blue for halloween... unless i can find some sparkly halloween colors.... mwahahaha!!

Sold something on etsy, woot! I love selling things! I gatta update my shop and get things ready for the holiday season! :D Also got the holidays expect posts with SALEs and Stuff thats orderable! Feel free to order via comments or messages! :D JOY!

Im gunna make myself up an exercize schedual again. I have gained some pounds and need to get back on track ;) not that I'll ever be a model or an Ishah (lol) but i wanna feel better. Anyone else?

PS, in Platinum Im to Veilstone, and my Haunter keeps sucking (bummer, one of my faves) and I cant find a Mareep. Frustrating. In Pearl My eevee's are almost done, just refining their special skills. also working on my dex.

IF YOUR NOT LISTENING TO WAIT WAIT DONT TELL ME YET GO DOWNLOAD IT! You all need more Carl Kassel in your life. Oh, And I guess Peter Segal.

mary kay, gameboy, ds, etsy, platinum, pearl, art, sale, games, wait wait dont tell me

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