Yuck, I got sick

Sep 16, 2009 09:01

Yesterday I was really sick. After I got to work I started to feel lousey and eventually called Nana and Papap to come and get Brina and told the boss I had to go home. I havnt done that in a REALLY long time. I slept from 11-3, then laid around plaing video games and went to bed around 8:30. Bad Cottage cheese for breakfast I think.

I sincerly apologize to everyone who tried to get ahold of me yesterday and monday. Monday I had the MK meeting (like i do every monday) and didnt turn my phone back on and check messages till after i got up from my nap. I was icky. and appaerently offened more then one person. so to everyone-


There, with that out of my system again, to EVERYONE who's mad, it wasnt you it was me.

So anyway, my pokemon leaf green came in the mail and i think i got ripped off, cause it wont save after an hour of play :( bummer. im gunna see it i can trade it to gamestop. only thing i can think of. to good a deal for $5. I'll see if i can just get fire red. oh well. I have been playing my hack game "Dark cry" and its fun, and funny. the opening with Oak was "WTF kid, i was taking a nap." lmao! it tough, and i cant seem to catch a freakin chatot, who should be easy as pie, but he's not. So Im hardly anywhere. whats weird is as you walk down (toward that player) the character changes from boy to girl as it walks. odd glitch. is always girl when she stops though. lol. but its fun. i just need more time to play.

So tonight i stay late and work, 12 hour day. i need the hours though. tomarrow i have work then im a guest for a letip mixer and possibly another meeting. and friday is something, i forgot and am to lazy to go look it up right now. im still feeling slow. alittle sick to my stomach.

anywho, i need to get sheep sheared somewhere in here and call and book more appointments, clean my house and send out partilight invites! I dont have time for this! :D

mary kay, busy, mad, dark cry, pearl, bad friend, angry, pissed, missed your call, sick

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