Today is Thursday

Aug 27, 2009 10:05

You know what that means? Absolutly nothing. lol. That tomarrow I get paid? Say WOOT? Ya... So Allies b-day is coming up. Oi oi. Hey, Flea said she'll help me load in on mon! Awesome!!! :D That will be nice. Help es good! Tonite i work late and do calls.

Did anyone ele her about the poor South African Teen who won the 800 meter run by a landslide and they all started calling her a man? Poor thing. Their doing gender testing, gyno, hormones and dna. she's passed the first two but the last will take some. ASSHOLES! so GIRLS cant run? Other bitches can stand getting beatin so they have to accuse someone who's better? and WE SUPPORT THIS? -_- poor thing. i guess she returned home and had a heros welcome. thats good atleast. Im ashamed at how petty humankind is. im ashamed that i cant say mankind anymore. im ashamed i cant say mailman anymore, even as a woman without getting the death glares from the militant femisists. go suck eggs you hypocrites.

wow, that jag took a turn. oh well. So last night i got off work sorta late and ran some errands and come home to a NCIS marathon (awesome!) and some Pearl. I bred a bunch of Piplups if anyone needs some. I need, well, everything. Starters would be great to, start with. lol. or some fodder and evolv stones? I wanna make a eevee evo team. I have my glaceon and leafeon. now just need me some vaporeon, flareon, jolteon, espeon, and umbreon... sooo many eevee's... Anywho, my tiny penguins have pound and aquaring to start. so ya

ncis, thursday, pearl, rant, fair, piplup, ranting, gender testing, jag

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